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Weekly theme and other stuff


Okay, pretend i'm not here, i'm not really, this is just some sort of e-mail
shaped telepathic message, so....Okay, my lungs hurt like hell, all the air
was sucked out of them... Well, someone posted a suggestion for a
theme:coming out.So, coming out will be the theme for this week.Now, since i
don't think i paid enough attention to it, the spell gone wrong/enchanted
objects will still go on.Basiclly, we'll have two themes for this week.I
also can't think of any ideas, but i'll post it later, and this time I SWEAR
it.Just wait a few more hours.I just didn't want to end the day without it.

Also, is anyone else having trouble with excite.I'm getting messages one
week after they were sent, the e-mails aren't getting to their
destination(like the reply to kimber's where's Wally question).So, i'm
wondering, is this just me, or a general Excite thing?Also, if you sent any
mail to me and i didn't reply, please send again, or if you posted a fic on
the list and still haven't heard my hatefull words :) , don't worry, you
will :) Anyway, one more question:Does anyone know of a good web-based mail
server that has a large storage limit?I've had it with excite, and now i'm
trying to change for real.

Well, that's all i can say now(sleep drepavation damaged my brain).Except,
I'm giving up.I'm rendering to my kid's desires.I'm gonna write the fic you
asked for, but them don't complain about it later :) Now all you have to do
is wait, wait a lot(not really, just needed to see how you mean writersd
feel_especially Shadow and Badbard:) Once ican spend a little more out of
the bed(bad respiration problems, i bitched about it in the reply :)

Also, Pat, put me in line for the round robin thing.I have to at least
practice a little.Now, will you be nice to me now? Just kidding :)

One more thing, i feel like a terrible person delaying my mail(love e-mails,
so, feel free to send them to me anytime ), but i can't reallky spend much
time in the pc.As i'm getting better i'll catch up.Sorry again

Oh, one more thinbg, never wear black on new year, you life will go downhill
from day one(mine has).

Well, enough down stuff
Talk to you later( hopefully)

Riley:...And so far, well, the only thing that I know she likes is you.(to
Willow, about Buffy)
Buffy:Wow! You're a dish!(to Willow)
Buffy:I need my Willow.
Buffy: I kind of love you.(to Willow)
Buffy:I love you.(Willow again)
See, Buffy loves Willow.

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