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It's all coming back to me now


I'm back (is anyone keeping track of how many times i said that ? )
Okay, but this time is for real , really, no, my finger is not
crossed....no my hair is also not crossed...geez, you mislead them
once... : ) My life has sucked beyond belief these past few months, but
i won't bother you guys with it (well, i'll bother Kim, but she's my
soulmate, loveslave and all, she HAS to listen to me whine : )

Okay, now, since you guys have all being good guys and girls you'll all
get a cookie, ...well, except for you and you over there...I saw that ,
go to the little corner and think about what you did ... Now, three
people will get two, Kim, for being so nice and taking the mother
role(you know, just because the union isn't on the paper it doesn't mean
it's not there ), Shadow, thank you , thank you, thank you, thank
you(you and half of the list know why, you big teaser...) and last but
not least , Heather,while she may not have posted the next parts from
the Incredible adventures saga(hint, hint,hint) she has started posting
againg(almost the same time as me) AND she's having a baby(in my book
that's THE most certain way to make me fall for someone, now if only i
got to be the father , what do you say Heather, we kick sperm boy and
get on with OUR Romeo/Juliet romance_of course, you'd have to let me
continue the torrid love affair i have with KIm, but we could work
things out...).Now, sillyness apart , congrats girl, i wish the best for
you , the baby and sperm boy ...kidding.

Now, since i'm back with a rush i've decided to take a few
actions...First , i need someone to get Pat and tie him up in a chair in
front of a tv(any volunteers ? ), then we force his eyes open(dutch
tape) and make him the hug and i love you scenes (all of them ) between
Buffy and Willow until he starts writing about them again,...and here i
trhought it was just a fase, pfff, in a few he'll be writing
Riley/Buffy...Kidding man, it's justthat the baby talk brought back
memories of the chubby little arm reaching for the momies and i'm
testing the ground so i can start begging to you and Angela, after all,
i still think we need a sequel...

Next, the weekly theme thingy, will be back for real, i looked around
the onelist archive and it seems like the list was a little down until
Kim made a few suggestions, and since you guys seem willing...

Third, i'm thinking about a new website, maybe at xoom or trippod, not
sure which, i really want to put the video and pics up and we need more
space than dencity, now, this may take awhile, cause i still need help
with design and suff (if somebody is willing, please mail me) and i have
to get my tv capture thing to work (i get a new one and find out that it
conflicts with the graphics one in overlay mode... and it isn't
capturing sound, so till i solve that...) The reason i'm telling you
guys is because i'm lazy , if people don't remind me i said this i'll
forget , plus, i need help...

Okay, the fics, i didn't have the opportunity to read them, i skimmed
and i gotta say, wow, you guys keep getting better and better, but i'll
talk about that later.For now i just wanted to say that i'm glad to be
back in here, you guys are the best.

Kim, see you in a few

Coming next to a mailbox near you : Primeval -gang to the core.Cause we
all like happy endings and this friendship deserved one this season.
Restless- If i
shall die before i awake....A glimpse into the dreams of our fav scoobs
and the big season preview.

Going now, tchau

Wanna be a Tara/Buffy fan ? Ask me how!
Faith/Willow cause we always hurt the ones we love...

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