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Some stuff


Okay, you can pretend i'm not here(cause i'm not, it's just a case of multiple allucinations....) _the big test is tomorrow and my inner cricket didn't like the whole not studying idea, i should have smashed that thing when i had the chance...

So, i'm just here to tell you guys that i uploaded a few pics to the files part of the egroups archive(diffent things for each list).It/s just a test, and theyre mostly W/B, but there's other stuff too....I have more, but since my connection keeps falling every two minutes and egroups only allows the uploading of one file per time i end up getting tired.I''ll get most of these pics(and videos, as soon as i learn how to get sound) in a ftp or something, i'm just trying to be a nice guy , make you all love me and them take over the world (or hunt down people and make them, write fics, still haven't decided...).Okay, enough talk, just go take a look, and i'll start bugging you all tomorow, when i'm test free.

Night, night,
Sleep tight
Dream with me...

P.S.Pat, right now i'm feeling like singing a bunch of corny love songs to you, just to proove my devotion, but don't worry , i'll contain myself....I knew there was a reason whyi loved you (you know, besides the whole cause you're Pat thing....That NEEDS a sequel and i'll bug you 'til i get one....I know i'd make you come back to us, (and people say that begging is overrated...)But don't worry, i'llk get to that tomorrow, and this time i'll deliver it : )

P.S 2-Shadow, can you explain to me why i'm suddenly feeling the need to sing "Woman in chains"....Girl, you're twisted...damn, if it wasn't incest, and i wasn't with Kim, and you weren't in that mental institution...oh, sorry, it slipped... : ) Now missy, if that was an attempt to convince me that you were working on the thousands of fics you own me, i gotta say you almost achieved your goal, now if you post a few more on the other series maybe...And we HAVE to talk about the real world, you know, the one that appears on the Dru series, i find the places and people a little familiar, and i need you to clear things up...Oh, and just so you know, i gave up dolls a looooooong time ago , it was hard, and i got admit that i was a little tempted when i saw Edith(yeah, we're in a first name basis) but i managed to contain myself .I/m proud to say that i/ve being away from the dools for a year, i even got a little medal(i'll sahow you later).

P.S.3-Kim, baby,. so , how does it feel to be a married woman? Oh, and i'll be waiting for you in the honeymoon suite, after all , we can't let the passion die ; )

P.S.4_Tomorrow, in an e-mail near you: Everything about the new Buffy soundtrack, list of songs, lyrics, reasons why the songs are there, a must see for all Buffy fans(especially the fourth season ones...)Bad touch, I will survive, Bitch, I kissed a girl and many more songs that'll make your heart beat faster ...

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