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Round Robin Challenge

Okay, now to really shake things up! Bwahahahahahaha!

What I'm doing is the first chapter of a Round Robin. I've had an idea for a first chapter, but 
can't think of a way to continue it. So I'm going to post a prologue, and challenge anyone 
from the list to write Chapter Two. They can then pass the story off to someone else. I hope 
that this turns out well.

Okay here it is.

Disclaimers; they all belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and WB.

Spoilers; General fourth season.

Chapter 1
By Kirayoshi

The offices of Wolfram and Hart, June, 2000

"Okay people," the exec said at the board meeting, "just to keep the newer members of our 
happy family up to speed on Operation; Sunnydale. First, we identified the problem; the 
Slayer. The Slayer represents an obstacle to our plans, and her close association with the 
mysterious Angel, who we all know has been an increasingly irritating thorn in our side, is 
cause for concern. So we took steps this last year to eliminate the threat.

"Our primary method has been to work at eliminating the Slayer's support structure. Our first 
successful attempt to undermine her so-called "Scooby Gang" was the unleashing of the Fear 
God. Our sources indicated that, under the influence of their greatest fears, the Slayer and 
her friends nearly came to blows. They later reconciled, but that moment of hostility is still 
there. Still strong within them.

"Shortly after that, we arranged for one of our agents, I believe her name was Veruca, to 
infiltrate the gang, and weaken one of the underlying relationships. Although she was killed in 
the line of duty, she proved more successful than we had hoped. Immediately after her 
death, subject Daniel Ozbourne had departed Sunnydale.

"It was after that incident when we encountered an unexpected development; Mr. 
Ozbourne's former love interest, one Willow Rosenberg, exhibited surprisingly high levels of 
power as a wiccan. Without knowing it, she had blinded one man, caused another to attract 
every demon within a five-mile radius, and brought about a startling emotional change 
between the Slayer and her arch-enemy, causing them to become lovers. It was decided 
then, that Wolfram and Hart would work primarily through Miss Rosenberg."

The exec then stepped up from behind the table, and approached a young woman near the 
door. He gestured for her to approach. She was short, with blond hair and large soulful blue 
eyes. "Tara, my dear, your work with the Scooby Gang has been exemplary. By insinuating 
yourself in Willow Rosenberg's life at a time when she was most vulnerable, you've managed 
to nearly drive the Scooby Gang apart. Buffy's innate jealousy at your budding 'relationship', 
Mr. Harris' latent homophobia, they both worked wonders. On top of that, our employing 
Faith to undermine the relationship between the Slayer and Angel was executed flawlessly. 
Sadly, the bonds between Miss Rosenberg and her friends were reforged by the 'enjoining 
spell' that they employed in their fight against the cyborg Adam, but be assured that I don't 
hold you responsible, Tara."

"Thank you, sir," Tara answered sotto voce. She couldn't think of a place she'd rather be 
less than in the offices of Wolfram and Hart.

"However, we must now step up the timetable. Tara, it is vital that you continue to work on 
Miss Rosenberg. Make her utterly dependant on you, to the point that she would gladly kill 
Miss Summers should she stand between the two of you. My ideal Christmas this year 
would involve waking up, picking up a copy of Sunnydale's newspaper and reading Buffy 
Summers' obituary. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir," she answered. She sat quietly, waiting to be dismissed, knowing that what she had 
been thinking of doing, ever since she signed that unholy contract with Wolfram and Hart, she 
had to do. There could be no turning back now.

Once she returned to Sunnydale, she would do whatever she could to defeat Wolfram and 
Hart's plans against the Slayer. If she had to, she would tell all that she knew to Buffy and 
her friends. Although she hoped to hold that off until the last minute. She knew that once her 
secret got out, Willow would hate her. And she didn't want to lose her love, not yet.

But if it came down to a choice between Willow's love, and Buffy's life, Tara knew which 
one she would take. Her course was clear now. She could only hope that Willow didn't get 
caught in the crossfire.

One way or the other, Wolfram and Hart would soon learn that their greatest enemy wasn't 
Angel. It was Tara.

TBC (I hope!)

Okay, I want to see Chapter two on my desk within the week. Let's do it!


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