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Friends and enemies

by Bwriter

Part 13


Part thirteen

Buffy was beyond angry. That girl had touched HER MATE! Scowling at Willow before turning and pacing the room, Buffy thought of all the ways she was going to hurt this Amy person.

Taking out her cell phone, she dialled Troy's number and waited for an answer.


"Troy, there's a girl leaving the hotel now, her name is Amy, intercept her and bring her to me. I'll be at the place we met last night."

"Okay, but how will I know which girl is Amy?"

Buffy turned and looked at Willow before growling out;

"Because she'll smell like Willow."

There was a pause then:

"Shit, right on it."

They disconnected with Troy going to find Amy and Buffy walking towards her lover, game face intact.

Willow had watched her lover become increasingly angry as she spoke on the phone and she was worried about what was she was going to do. Buffy knew the council had this planned, but being confronted with it was another story.

When she saw her lover walk towards her with her demonic face showing, she was kinda worried about what was going to happen. She knew how possessive Buffy was.

Buffy stopped and paused before reaching Willow. Everything in her was screaming at her to reclaim what was hers. Just as she was about to pounce her cell rang startling Willow.


"It's me, I have her."

"Be right there."

Buffy hung up and turned her attention back to her Mate.

"I have to go now but we will continue this later." She left the room and her lover who wondered if Buffy was about to kill a human.


Her girl was sitting on a chair in the middle of Troy's room wondering how she was going to get out of this. She knew what was going on, her uncle had warned her that this could happen. Her plan had been to get in and out in as short amount of time as possible but it hadn't worked that way.

For one thing the girl Willow was devoted to the demon so Amy had had to force things along but as she had been about to the demon came. And know she was being held in a mans room waiting for what she didn't know, he hadn't said one word to her yet. But none of that mattered because the door had just opened and Amy knew why she was there.

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