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Waking up

by Lost

Hickey's telling all


Buffy pulled Willow quickly into her room before shutting the door hard. As soon as the door had shut she had pushed Willow against it and began kissing all up and down the redhead's neck. "Buffy? What are you doing? What if your mom wants in?" Willow asked, barely able to concentrate enough to acatually get the questions out.

"She won't want in, she thinks I'm sulking." Buffy said, as she pulled back slightly and smiled.

"Ohh, you're evil!" Willow said as she pushed her lips against Buffy's, only to pull them apart and start working on some new hickey's on Buffy's neck. She stopped abruptly when Buffy pushed her back slightly. "What-" She was cut off as Buffy reclaimed her lips.

When she pulled back, she said "Mom'll notice if we've both got hickey's all over our necks. She already noticed yours I think." Buffy said softly as she gazed into the redhead's eyes lovingly.

"Then maybe they should be other places." Willow said, dropping to her knees.

"Wow Will, what're you doin' down there?" Buffy asked in surprise.

"Do you trust me?" Willow asked, her eyes pleading with Buffy's to say yes.

"You know I do." She replied looking straight into the redhead's eyes.

"Well, then trust that I'm not going to do anything too radical." Willow said, as she pushed Buffy's shirt up just a little bit and leaned in to place soft kisses on the blonde's stomach.

Buffy closed her eyes and revealed in the pleasure at having her stomach caressed so softly before she started to walk backwards towards the bed, and layed down, pulling Willow on top of her. "See? This way your mom can't even seem them to notice them." Willow said, simling triumphantly.

Buffy pulled her up for a kiss and when it broke said "My girlfriend's a genius." Softly against Willow lips.

"I don't know about genius." The hacker whispered back.

"Oh, but you are." Buffy said softly as she gently flipped them over so that she was ontop of the redhead and unbuttoned the top two buttons of Willow's shirt, kissing and lightly sucking her way along her collar bone. When she had covered all of the exposed skin twice she looked up into Willows gaze, and held it unwaiveringly as she unbuttoned another button or two, asking "Is this okay?"

All Willow could do is nod in response. She was lost in her own world, a world where she could only feel and hear and love what Buffy was doing to her. And so Buffy kissed the new skin that the two buttons had exposed, and began to unbutton even more buttons when there was a knock at the door.

"Buffy, we need to talk." Joye's voice said through the door. Buffy hopped off Willow quickly. "Sorry." She whispered as she placed a quick kiss on the redhead's lips, and made her way over to the door, letting it swing open. Thankfully Willow had come out of her Buffy world quickly enough to have all of her buttons redone and was now just sitting on the edge of the bed, with Mr. Gordo in her hands.

"Listen, I know that you don't want to go to your dad's this weekend, but it probably won't be as bad so long as Willow's there." Joyce said gently as she looked from one girl to the other.

"Yeah, I guess youre right." Buffy said, caving in so that hopefully her mom would leave sooner so she could get back to Willow kissage.

"Good, it's good to know that we've resolved that. Now, dinner's ready." She said as she turned around and headed downstairs, listening to the two girls follow her down.

They all sat around the shrimp scampi dinner in silence. It wasn't that anyone was upset or anything like that, simply put, no one had anything to say. At least that was what Buffy was adding it up to. Until her mother spoke that is.

"So Willow, when did you get a boyfriend?" Joyce asked smiling. The redhead was a beautiful girl, and she was happy to see that a boy had actually noticed it.

"Boyfriend?" Willow squeaked.

"Well, I just assumed, uhm, because of the uh." She said gesturing to her own neck in the lightest way she could refrence the now very visible hickeys that were forming half an hour ago.

"Oh uhm, actually-" She started to say, only to be cut off by Buffy.

"I did it." The blonde said quickly, and continued eating like it was no big deal. And to her it wasn't. She had told her mom of her feelings for the redhead as soon as they had moved to town, although neither at the time had thought that they would actually result in anything.

"Oh." Was all Joyce said. Then a few seconds later. "When did all this happen?" She said, indicating between the two girls.

Buffy felt Willow reach over and hold her hand tightly under the dinner table. "Today." Buffy answered.

"Ah, well then I guess Willow will be staying in the guest room while she's here." Joyce said.

"What? Mom, that's not fair!" Buffy protested.

"Buffy, you know what the rules have always been, you can have your girlfriends or boyfriends stay the night, but you don't stay in the same room." Joyce said with an air of finality.

"But Mom, we won't do anything, I promise. Please?" Buffy pleaded, trying to appeal to her mother's more trusting side.

"No, but I won't tell your father about your relationship. You can sleep in the same room on the weekends, and the weekends only, do you hear me?" Joyce said sternly, looking from one girl to the other.

"Yes ma'am." Buffy said quietly keeping her hold on Willow's hand tightly, both girls upset at the fact that there would be no cuddles tonight. After dinner Joyce gave them permission to go up to Buffy's room, so long as they kept the door open.

Buffy kept the door a whole two inches open as she pulled the redhead to her on the bed. "I love you." She said quietly.

"I know. And I love you." Willow said smiling. She had been surprised that Mrs. Summers had taken it so well, but she wasn't going to argue if fate seemed to be letting them slide by. Buffy held Willow in her arms and began to softly stroke the redhead's long hair. She placed a soft kiss on her forehead, and watched as Willow drifted into a peaceful sleep, and as soon as Willow was asleep Buffy began to follow her.

The scene that greeted Joyce when she walked up to Buffy's room to tell the girls it was 10.30 and time for bed was of the couple snuggling, with Buffy holding tightly onto Willow, and both of them fully clothed and asleep. She sighed as she looked at them. She was also vaugely proud, out of all the people her daughter could have chosen she had chosen the redhead in her arms, and in Joyce's opinion, no matter what others might say, they made a much better couple than her and that Angel boy had. She smiled slightly as she left the room, deciding that since they were already asleep, why wake them?

"Young love." She muttered to herself as she made her way towards her bedroom. She knew the couple would face alot of hard times, but hopefully they wouldn't destroy them, and if they needed her, she'd been there for them.

A/N: Okay, any thoughts? Comments? Reviews are good...if you want more, review...it always encourages me :-P - L.

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