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Re: Re: From Your Saviour


On Mon, 03 Jan 2000 23:20:19 -0500, buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Well I love you too Rodrigo. *laughing* : )
I don't recall ever claiming that I was sane! {Sanity is vastly over
rated anyway, its the leading cause of gray hairs and mid-life
crisises........or is that watching the President address the nation?
Besides illogic is so much more fun.}

Hey, you agrred with badbard in that small posts thing AND you didn'6t send
the new parts, so i don't think i'm loving very much right now.It's up to
you to make it better:)

Now on to that little bet I lost. Rodrigo is STILL in denial over
Brazil's humiliating lost to France at the last men's World Cup, so
please ignore everything the crazy Brazilian says. Other then that he's
pretty harmless, when he's not giving out ultimatums or threatening to
lock up people. Although, I wonder just who he's suppose to be
punishing by locking me and badbard up together? Us or everyone else??
I can get pretty creative when I get cornered! *laughs evilly*

I AM NOT IN DENIAL.I AM NOT.Sorry, calming now...That result was a set up,
yeah , it was it.Besides, you're only jealous because my country has the
most wanted bachelor ever, every girl's dream:Ronaldinho, he doesn't drink,
he doesn't smoke and he doesn't play :) And i'm not harmless, i'm a very
dangerous, crazy ma(what are you trying to do, no one will be afraid of me
if you keep saying things like that).As for the locking up thing, i thing
badbard found out what i wanted(be carefull if it does happen, she seems to
get more than creative when she's cornered)

Furthermore, I already got four fics I got to write thinks too Rodrigo's
clever trickery, so everyone needs to ask themselves do they REALLY want
the possibility of me actually deciding to write a fifth one with
badbard, if I can talk her into it??

And finally on a serious note. {No comments from the mad Brazilian or
NO book cage scene!! *grins evilly*} The next part of Stormchaser and
the first part of Undying Love won't be posted tonight. Hey, I got
several requests for longer parts so I figured I'd be nice and write
longer parts. Well, that and I wanted to torture Rodrigo some more by
making him wait. *sheepish grin* Also, don't worry about Undying Love,
it'll be saner then Stormchaser. At least, I think it
will............it'll have a lot of Oz abuse in it and that's always a

Oh, I'm clever, no one called me that before*sniff , sniff*Oh, i do want the
possibility, especially considering that since there are two of you it'll be
even faster, he , he Okay, i got one question, is this a 'pick on Rodrigo '
kind of week?I , me, myself, such a nice guy being trethened and tortured by
you two extremelly evil -like girls.What did i ever do to desserve that?I
always treated you two , so well*getting teared up* i'm always so
nice*crying openly* WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS.................?

I'll be quite now and go back to my little corner to plot more
mischief. Hey badbard, drop me a line if you want to help me write a
fifth story to torment Rodrigo with, okay???

Sniff , sniff, I think that after all these mean things you're doing to me a
deserve a nice sixth fic, don't you think?


See ya

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