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FIC: Stormchaser (11/?)

Title: Stormchaser (11/?)
Author: Shadowlander
Email: Shadowlander1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - or - Tankesly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rating: PG-17
Paring: B/W
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters commonly associated with

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and are used without permission. No copyright

infringement is intended.
Archive: The usual places, all others just ask.
Notes: Sorry for the delay folks, I got distracted by a few other
I'm currently working now.


"I take it that Willow has explained to you what a Brijas and a Soljinn
are?" Dysis asked once she had regained their attention. Recalling the

phone call she received last night from her old friend Marco, explaining

Willow's unusual behavior that night. Now that she could observe Willow

first hand, Dysis could see just how out of control the young werecat

"Yeah, Wills said that a Brijas was a titan, like in Greek mythology.
old, very powerful, like to live on top of mountains a lot." Buffy
trying to remember her mythology as best she could.

Dysis couldn't help it, she had to laugh; she hadn't heard her family
described in quite a manner for centuries. 'Like to live on top of
mountains, indeed,' she thought with a grin. "And Soljinn?" She
with a raised eyebrow. 'Can't wait for the answer to this one.' She
thought with a smirk, leaning back against the padded bench.

"Soljinn are related to the elves," the Slayer replied slower, her mind
still trying to figure that one out.

"Close, the Soljinn are an off-shoot race of a couple of the fire elves
tribes and one really lost Amazon tribe." Dysis explained with a small
grin. "They made very interesting children, hell raisers every last one
them. Of course, that is what you get when you intermix a bunch of
with attitudes with some of Ares's favourite daughters." She added with
wicked grin.

"If you say so." Buffy answered with a grin of her own, not all that
of what the other woman was telling her. She'd have to get Giles to
research it for her later, she decided, her little Slayer voice
that this was really something she needed to know.

'Oh I do kid, I really do.' Dysis thought to herself, wondering when
kid was going to put it all together. 'The Fates have out done
with you two, I don't even think they've realize it yet.' She said to
herself, deciding that a move to Sunnydale wasn't such a bad idea after
things were going to get real interesting with these two running lose.
best of all she was going to have a ringside seat to it all. 'Maybe
that bet to Ares wasn't so bad after all.'


Later - the high school

Rupert Giles loved his books, there was simply no way around it, his
were his children. And like any proud parent, he was reluctant to let
"babies" leave the nest so to speak. Especially when the book in
was from his personal collection, or to put it more bluntly, one of his
demon and other such monsters books. Aside from the fact that the
populace would probably dismiss the existence of such a book as the
of some overactive imagination, his books were extremely valuable to the

Slayer's work and he could not risk them being lost.

"Translation: don't touch the Librarian's books, it makes him cranky!"

Willow barely suppressed a laugh at the Slayer's whispered words as the
librarian in question continued his monologue of what not to do in his
library. Despite herself, Willow was finding that she actually liked
British librarian/watcher. She hadn't been sure of what kind of
she would be getting from the older man after the little incident at the

Bronze last night. Most humans found it disrupting witnessing her rip
someone's throat. Granted, she was only killing a vampire, but you
had the whole 'ick' factor to take into account. 'Which apparently
count to the Watcher,' her cat had decided with a mental shrug. 'I've
to get him and Marco together.' She added cocking her head to one side
the Watcher continued to explain proper library etiquette, which mainly
involved not looking at any of the "special" books without Giles consent

and/or leaving your first born as collateral in case of damage.

Willow was brought out of her silent musings by a hand waving in front
her face. "Huh?" She questioned with a shake of her head, discovering
Buffy was now standing in front of her with a curious look on her face.

"Want to rejoin the rest of us? Or is it really nice were you're at?"
Slayer asked playfully, wondering what the redhead had been thinking
for the past five minutes.

"Er.... I'll rejoin you..here." Willow replied wondering just when
had moved and where the librarian had disappeared too.

"Good," Buffy replied with a wide grin, insanely happy to have finally
gotten the redhead alone. Giles had gone to a staff meeting, leaving
two of them in the library. "Ah, Giles wants me to clean things up
Want to give me a hand?" She asked with a wave of her hand indicating
research table behind her littered with the various books of demon lore
made up Giles's precious collection.

"Yeah, sure no problem," Willow replied with a smile of her own. Her
jumping up and down in excitement, 'we finally got her alone!' it crowed

with delight. 'And doesn't that table look comfortable?' The cat
with a purr to Willow's human self, supplying mental images of the
future uses for that very table, few of which had anything to do with
research. Although her cat kept insisting that studying the human
would be consider 'research' if done properly with the right partner and

lots of candles, and chocolate sauce. 'Can't forget the chocolate
sauce, it
wouldn't be studying anatomy without the chocolate' her cat stressed

End Part Eleven.

Next up Rod's book cage scene - for sure!!!!! :)

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