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Re:Onelist family filter - Please read

<<snip for space>>
> I'm furious that all of the ONElist searches I have
> done since this filter was installed (and who knows
> when that happened?)have been, not only censored, but
> censored without my knowledge. No wonder I haven't
> found any interesting lists lately. I have to wonder
> if there hasn't been a drop-off in new subscriptions
> to the slash lists since the filter was installed.
> Can't subscribe if you can't find it.
> DG
Agree totally with you here, Onelist showed a huge lack of respect for all
of us when they set it in the On setting without telling anyone about it.
The filter may have been a good idea, but it was poorly implemented and
should have been let known as an alternative and not imposed like that. The
word censorship, as you have already mentioned it, comes to mind.
About Yahoo, only thing I have to say is: Run away as fast as you can!!!!
<g>. I had (still have don't use it anymore) a yahoo e-mail addy and that
was a nightmare, their pop server was up every time a cat died and some
messages would reach my inbox completly blank, no body, no subject and
sometimes no addresser or addressy at all. If you are losing mail and have a
yahoo account, my advice is change to hotmail, netscape, slayme or other
http mail service, there are a lot of free ones out there. It's frustating
to lose a post and later see the replys and wonder: What the heck are they
talking about?! I had my share of that. Not anymore. <g>


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