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FIC: The Ties That Bind (1/?)

TITLE: The Ties That Bind (1/?)
AUTHOR: Kimber (kacoe@xxxxxxx)
DISCLAIMER: All BTVS characters belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
SUMMARY: The Scoobs are torn apart and try to come together five years later to save
their relationship and an old friend.
SPOILERS: Branches off to an alternate reality during the Yoko Factor.
DISTRIBUTION: Pat Kelly, Rodrigo, Gary Thompson, Syrenslure, Serendipity and J&J Xena
Site. Anyone else, e-mail me please.


?You Can Sleep While I Drive? by Melissa Etheridge

Come on baby, let's get out of this town
I got a full tank of gas with the top rolled down
There's a chill in my bones, I don't want to be left alone
So baby you can sleep while I drive

I'll pack my bag and load up my guitar
In my pocket I'll carry my harp
I got some money I've saved enough to get underway
And baby you can sleep while I drive

We'll go through Tucson up to Santa Fe
And Barb'ra in Nashville says we're welcome to stay
I'll buy you glasses in Texas, a hat from New Orleans
And in the morning you can tell me your dreams

You know I've seen it before, this mist that covers your eyes
You've been looking for something that's not in your life
My intentions are true, won't you take me with you?
And baby you can sleep while I drive

Oh is it other arms you want to hold you
The stranger the lover you're free
Can't you get that from me?

Come on baby let's get out of this town
I've got a full tank of gas with the top rolled down
If you won't take me with you, I'll go before night is through
And baby you can sleep while I drive


She drove hard and fast with tears staining her cheeks and words rattling around her
head. Words that probably never should have been give a voice. Wiping yet another tear
away, she chanced a look over at the sleeping form in the passenger seat. She?d been
restless for over an hour now. Tossing and turning, whimpering and mumbling. She turned
her eyes back to the road. <It?s not fair,> she thought for the billionth time. <It?s
not fair she has to suffer like this, especially because of me.> She shook her head as
another wave of guilt and anguish threatened to overtake the calm she?d been able to
achieve momentarily. <Fights, stupid fights, careless words. How could I have been so
careless? Especially when all she wants to do is love me.>

As if sensing her friend?s inner battle, the passenger of the car opened her eyes and
gazed upon a tear-streaked face. She cleared her throat to make her presence known and
began to speak. ?I?m so??

?Don?t.? The driver shook her head vigorously. ?I?m the one who should be sorry.?

?I said things too. Bad things.?

?Only because I said them first. You were defending yourself.? The driver wiped another
tear away. ?I hate myself when I get like that.? She made a disgusted noise from the
back of her throat. ?Especially when I?m like that with you.? She offered softly.

?Me too.? Pause. ?I mean, when *I* get that way. . .not when. . .?

?I know what you meant.? The driver offered a pathetic smile.

Silence followed for the next two hours. Each of them lost in their own thoughts, their
own regrets. Town after town they drove through until they came upon that all too
familiar sign, ?Sunnydale, CA ? 50 miles?.

<Hell sweet hell.> She thought. <And the craziest thing about this whole trip is that I?m
going willingly. Well, semi-willingly anyway.>

??last part of the trip??

She was shaken from her thoughts when she realized that she was being spoken to. ?What??

?I said do you want me to finish driving the last part of the trip??


?You?ve been driving for at least five hours now. You have to be tired.?

She nodded absentmindedly. ?Uh huh.? Tired wasn?t the word ? she wasn?t sure there were
any words for what she was feeling.

?Willow.? She said finally with pleading eyes.

She sighed and pulled over to the side of the road. Removing her seat belt, she stepped
out of the car and stretched. She made her way around to the passenger side and gave the
slightly taller girl a small smile. ?Thanks Tara.?


He stood at the window and watched the rain slide down the pane. Checking his watch for
what was the tenth time, he realized that it was, in fact, the final stretch home. One
hour until they arrived. One hour and everything and nothing would change. He hoped for
the first but expected the latter.

?So. . .about an hour. Right??

He turned around and gave a small smile. ?Yes, approximately.?

?It?ll be good to see her again.?

?Yes, It?ll be good to see *them* again.? He narrowed his eyes.

?Speak for yourself.?

?Xander. . .? He warned.

?Giles, I don?t want to hear it. She?s the reason Will left in the first place.?

He shook his head and removed his glasses to clean them. ?We are all the reason she left,
Xander. All of us are guilty. I?ve made peace with her and Tara. I?d suggest you do the
same.? He paused a beat. ?Unless of course you?d like to go another five years without
seeing your *best friend* ??

He opened his mouth to form a witty response, but promptly closed it again. Giles was
right and he knew it. . .not that he?d ever admit it, but that still didn?t make him

Xander walked away and plopped down on the worn couch. Had it really been five years?
Yes it had. Five years without birthday cards, trips to the Bronze, cookie dough ice
cream and the Snoopy Dance. He made a disgusted face when he remembered the reason they
missed out on all of that. It was all because of that blonde witch bitch. She took ?his
Willow? away. . .away from everyone. She must have worked some deep dark mojo on Wills,
which was the only way she?d break up the Scooby gang for this long. He remembered it all
too clearly. The night that Willow announced her little ?relationship? with Tara was more
than just practicing witchcraft. They all went off the wall. Buffy freaked most of all.
It took all of Xander?s and Giles? strength to keep her from breaking any more furniture.
Finally Giles? resorted to the dart gun and Buffy didn?t speak to him for a week. She
disappeared, and it was during that time that Xander had it out with Willow and Tara. .
.then they took off. Willow didn?t even bother to say goodbye to Buffy.

Xander pounded his fist into his hand. It was all Tara?s fault, all of it. Willow never
would have left, never would have chosen her over the Scoobs. It was of no consequence
now. Willow would be back in Sunnydale within half an hour. Then he?d have time to get
her back and convince her that she really wasn?t the way she thought she was. It was all
tricks and magic and. . .


Xander looked up from his thoughts. ?What?? He growled out.

?Whatever you?re thinking, just don?t. Don?t do it Xander.?

He rose to his feet and clenched his jaw a few times. ?You weren?t here, you don?t know.
. .?

?I know enough to know that if you jump on her, she?ll run again. Maybe this time for
good. So just don?t do it.?

?Buffy. . .?

?No! Xander, don?t you get it? This isn?t about you or how you feel or what you want.
This is about Willow.?

He shook his head and thought best to drop it. For now. ?I?m sorry.?

?No you?re not.? She took a step closer. ?But you will be if you don?t behave.?

Xander became enraged at the veiled threat. ?Look who?s talkin. Where have you been for
the past year and a half? Where did you skip off to when things got rough because you
certainly weren?t here.?

?That?s quite enough you two.? Giles walked up behind Buffy. ?No idle threats, no
bickering. I?ll have none of it. This is my home and I want them to feel welcomed. Am I
understood?? He looked back and forth between them. Neither one said anything and
retreated to separate corners of the room. ?Well, that?s as good an answer as any.? He
walked back to the window and continued to do what he did best. Watch.


?Welcome to Sunnydale.?

Tara sighed and turned the windshield wipers on. The car groaned at the added strain of
yet another gadget being used. It had been a steal and they just couldn?t pass up the
opportunity. There was something about the white VW Bug that the two witches just
couldn?t resist. Sure the convertible top leaked a little, but it was a small price to
pay for guaranteed wind-in-the-hair fun on the extra sunny days.

The minute they crossed the city limits line, it started to rain. <So much for top down
fun>, Tara thought. She wondered if that was a sign of what they were in for when they
got to Giles? house. She chanced a look over at the redhead and found her sleeping pretty
peacefully. Tara questioned herself just one more time as to if this really was a good
idea. The gang was the reason they left in the first place. Now, ironically enough, they
were probably the only ones that could help her get Willow back to her old self.


So....should I continue or kill this one? *evil grin*

Your humble bard and Rodrigo's dedicated love slave,

Shadowlander's #1 fan and her 'Official Un-Official Idea Bouncer Offer'
Pat Kelly's #1 fan and his 'Offical scene runner-by-er'
Now self-proclaimed #1 fan of AMGlass!!!

'Exquisite Coalescence' - Your source for BuffySlash fiction on the web. Coming soon!

- Eternally jealous of Erin 'cause Joss and Fury impersonated her. *grumble*
- Member of THE CITIZENS OF KANE - I have Christian's tousled hair on retainer
- Member #102 of the Amber Benson is a Hottie Club
- Humble reciever of Joss love --- Joss says: (Wed May 17 14:05:24 2000
Hi, Kimber. I give you love. There is a squishy element to it that I'd rather not discuss.
But it's pudding-free.
- VERY humble reciever of an e-mailed "DAVID FURY-LOVE" ---I love you, Kimber. There,
happy? :-) Fury --
- SO's to all VIPS - Alyson, Amber Benson, James, Nicholas, Anthony, Jeff, Joss, SMG,
Eliza, David, Seth, Marti, Jane, Sophia, Fury and last but never least, Erika from Velvet
Chain (my fellow Duran Duran lover)!!!!!!
- Keeper of Tara's ability to make Willow's eyes sparkle in "Superstar."
- Keeper of Tara's smokin sleeve ability in "Superstar."
- Keeper of Tara's stutter when she says the word Scoobys in "New Moon Rising."
- "Heavy lesbian witches rock!"

Final thought:
"One out of every ten people are born to give the other nine trouble. Guess what number I

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