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Re: [buffywantswillow] FIC: The Ties That Bind (7/?)

I side with Kirayoshi here Kimber, I enjoyed your story so far and the only thing I have written to
you that *could* be *maybe* seen as a flame was actually just my, probably overreacted way to ask
for more B/W, and that was after you posted part 5. I haven't found the time to read the rest yet,
but I do not intend to *not* read it.

I have always enjoyed your stories and most of the others on this list.

I admit I have *once* really flamed, but that was because of some stupidness of some people that
don't read the things they should, and I have already apologized for my misstep.

I don't like the idea, that this list could become something similar to the WillowSlash list, which
went down in flames. I really enjoyed everything I found here and if somebody didn't get any
feedback from me, then that only means I haven't found the time to read it yet.

And I am sure that I am not alone here, if I think that flaming only pisses people off. They will
*not* stop doing whatever they want, they'll just do it somewhere else, like Kimber said she won't
post any more parts of this wonderful fic here. Personally I think that people that don't like what
they see here, either ignore it, or leave the list.

That is what I do and I see no reason, why Kimber, Pat, Kirayoshi, or some others should be flamed
out of the list, just because they do something that one or two don't like.

I always have tried to stay polite and I don't intend to change that in any way, just because others
don't, but I would really like to see that those flames stop right now, and are not responsible for
some people leaving us. Because if that is the case I see no way to prevent this list from dieing
the same cruel death, the WillowSlash list had to go through.

I really hope that you, Kimber, don't let yourself be chased away from here because of those stupid
people and I'm glad if I can give you, or anyone else that thinks this is a bad thing, as much
encouragement to stay here as I can. But I will not stay here myself for much longer if you leave,
because I see no reason for me then. I can find all the fanfic I want to on such great sites, like
Kimber's and Jen's Exquisite Coalescence, Bill La Barbera's Buffy Page, Gary's Between the Sheets,
or the many others that are out there and I don't need this special list to read them.

But this, and the other lists on egroups, are a wonderful place to talk, fo find friends or just
people who enjoy the same things as I do and I would really rather not see this list go down (mostly
because it was the first list I joined) but I know that there are others out there and I have the
personal mails addresses of a few people I have learned to respect for what they do here and I would
really love to keep contact after this, if this list ends because of this or not (I' prefer latter).

Ok, I think I have rambled quite a lot now and I know I have repeated myself about a few points a
few times but that is nothing that makes what I said less important or junk. It is my opinion and if
anyone out there doesn't share it then please do me the favor and simply ignore it. Delete this mail
and don't bother yourself or me with any flaming type of mails in my mailbox, because I for my part
will simply ignore them, and believe me, after 13 years of hard RL training for such a thing, your
have to be a master in writing flames for me to be hurt by anything it says in there.

Ok, sorry I got sidetracked, I just wanted to say that I love this list and do not want to see it
die, but I can live without it if such a thing is inevitable.

Hope that a few of you out there share my opinion (or at least parts of it) and help to keep this a
nice and friendly place to post and read fics, opinions or just what the one or other had to do
during the day, such things like going through 4 seasons of BtVS and looking for all those spots
where Buffy and Willow could have pushed into a relationship *g*.

Hope to see more from all of you


Bwoah, was that a long post... have to learn how to formulate what I want in shorter

> Kimber,
> This is to let you know that I, for one, found The Ties That Bind to be an intriguing story, if
> just a bit angsty. My only gripe was that it seemed more Will/Tara than Will/Buffy (In the
> immortal words of Jerry Seinfeld, "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"), but I will
> check back later at one of the listed sites, to see how it progresses. I suspect that you have a
> positive resolution in mind, and I will definitely be along for the ride.
> Be assured, what flames you have received, they do not speak for all of us. They certainly
> didn't speak for me.
> With love and respect, I remain,
> Kirayoshi
> Unofficial list Zeppo(he always got the girl in the end, you know.)

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