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A Rant

Kimber Said:

This fic has gotten a less than stellar response from these two lists so
I'm pulling it and I'm not going to post it here anymore. I've gotten
some (i.e. SEVERAL) veiled flames and not so veiled flames OFF-list and
I'm quite frankly not up to dealing with it. This has been a loose list
in the past...after all, Pat posted his Buffy/Faith fic here and I
thought you guys would stick with me on this one. Oh well.

My Rant:

This is complete and total crap and just should not happen.

I could understand it a little bit if it wasn't a "list reg." After all I got flamed for my Faith/Buffy story Time-Travel for its F/F content. And it turned out to be some weird right winger that was flaming all 'sinful fiction'.

But, a list reg? That's too far.

When I left this list it was one of nicest list I'd ever been on. It had some of the most talented writers I had read (Kimber being one of them) and now because of flames--we are losing her? Does anyone else feel sick over this situation? And what happens when KImber is driven away? Who's next? Alex? Pat Kelly? Me? I know my fiction isn't up to par, so if I post it will it be riped up, too?

Well, we can't help the stupid miss guided opinions of other people--we can only speak for ourselves. When I re-subbed yesterday I noticed that this list had grown to over 300 people. I also noticed that less than 30 people normally post messages, or about ten percent. I admit that some of you guys send feedback off-list, which is only polite, but how many have never sent an author feedback?

How many, read, click and delete and move on? I'm not saying that reader apathy is the entire reason we are loosing KImber--but I remember the awful crushing feeling I got when I read the flame about my story. And it was only through the continued and on going support from a few people on the BuffyNFaith list that I started writing again.

All I'm saying is, that the as a writer, if we get 100 posts saying peopled liked a story it takes the sting out of the one or two saying that we are talentless hacks or f**king dykes.

Kimber has made her choice, she has a right to take her tremendous talent and leave. Now it's up to us to make our own choices--click, delete and move on? Or let the writers know that through their hard work they created something that for a brief period of time gave us some enjoyment.

End of rant.

Oh and if you feel like flaming me use this addy and don't waste the lists time. Ivygort@xxxxxxxxxxx

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